Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Worship Wednesday - Passion 2011

I have a bone to pick with Louis Giglio and the Passion 2011 crowd. I think it's entirely unfair that they don't let us "old folks" attend the conference! I mean, come on - Chris Tomlin, Christy Nockels, Matt Redman, and Charlie Hall leading worship - Louis Giglio and Francis Chan and John Piper speaking! Everyone should have a chance to participate in that experience. However, given that I am well over 25, I had to settle for the next best thing - watching the Passion 2011 Live Stream from the comfort of my own living room. And, let me tell you - It was just as awesome as I expected it to be!

I'm still processing some of the teaching that I heard and will probably be blogging about that over the next week or so, but today, since the focus is worship, I'll leave you with a thought from John Piper. He made the point that God wants to make much of us. However, he doesn't want to do that for our glory - He wants to do it in order to bring glory to His Name. In making much of us, others will see His goodness and His name will be glorified.

When God is glorified - when His Name is lifted up - He will draw ALL men unto Him. So, our repsponsibility as worshippers is to glorify Him - in all that we say, in all that we do, with our hearts and our lives.

Here is one of my favorite songs by Fee that speaks to this same idea:

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