Wednesday, March 9, 2011

To be content...

Contentment – It sometimes feels like an elusive dream for me. It’s something I long for but seldom experience. But, when it does happen, it’s the most awesome thing in the world. I was out of town on business for the past several days, and it was quite a trip. I got to fly on the corporate jet. I got to rub elbows with some pretty important and influential people. I got to stay at one of the nation’s premier ski resorts. Some would look at that experience and say, “Wow! You’ve got it made – You’re living the American dream!” And, to some extent, I guess that’s true. But, did I find contentment in those things? Not at all. In fact, I was pretty stressed for most of the trip.

However, tonight I’m back home and I’m sitting quietly on my couch. I can hear one daughter playing music in the office. I can hear laughter coming from the bonus room where my husband and my other daughter are playing Wii with our friend Ian. I can smell warm, chocolate-y goodness coming from the cookies that are baking in the oven. And, I am content. There is a peaceful feeling that has settled in around me, and I would love nothing more than to stay here just basking in it forever.

But, tomorrow morning, the alarm clock will ring at 5:30am. I’ll hit the ground running, and the next thing I know, this contented feeling will have vanished like vapor in the wind. But, for now, I’m going to soak in all of this sweet contentment. I’m going to burn it into my memory. Just like the children of Israel would build altars to remind them of God’s goodness at certain times in their history, I’m going to let this time serve as an altar in my mind to help me find that place of contentment even when life is coming at me fast and furious.

Thank you, Lord, for times of refreshing, for sweet contentment, and for the peace that can only be found in You...

1 comment:

  1. I'll never forget my mom's story when she was a little girl - that she didn't pray for money, or travel, or happiness. She prayed for contentment. It stuck with me. It still amazes me that a child could actually think to pray for contentment. Maybe we should all be children praying for sweet contentment? Thanks for sharing Tonya. You are a blessing girl!
