Saturday, January 19, 2013


Sometimes my priorities get out of line.  I lose focus on what’s important as I endeavor to deal with the task at hand.  Yesterday was one of those days.  I was in a meeting with one of my mentors at work getting some much needed advice on how to sort out a serious personnel issue.  We were deep into our conversation when my phone rang.  It was my daughter.

I usually ignore my phone when I’m in a meeting – unless it’s one of my kids or their school.  So, I asked if I could take the call quickly, and he said of course.  I finished the conversation with my daughter and turned back to my colleague.  Not five minutes later, she called again.  I started to ignore it, but at the urging of my colleague, I went ahead and answered again.  When I was done, he said , “That’s the most important thing.  Your kids need you, so don’t ever hesitate to take that call.”  And, then he said, “What I wouldn’t give to be interrupted by a phone call from my son just one more time…”

You see, his 19 year old son was killed in a climbing accident about 6 months ago.  He knows how important it is to devote ourselves to the ones we love – to cherish every moment – every interruption.  Because, one day – maybe sooner than we imagine – they’ll be gone.  And, then it will be too late.  He went on to tell me the story of the last time he saw his son, and I had to choke back the tears as we finished up our meeting.

As I was driving home yesterday, I was thinking about how many times I tell my kids to just wait a minute – I’ll pay attention to them when I finish what I’m doing.  How many times do I react with frustration instead of love when they interrupt my over-scheduled, incredibly busy day?  What message is that sending to them?  Do they know how important they are to me?  Do they know how much I love them?  I tell them with my words, but I realized yesterday that I need to do a better job of showing them with my actions and with the way that I spend my time.

I think that we could all stand to adjust our perspective – to learn to cherish every interruption – to savor every moment – to go out of our way to make time to spend with the ones that we love.  Because, one day, we’ll look back and long for the day when little hands were pulling on our aprons or phone calls from our kids were interrupting our meetings…

Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.  And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.” – Colossians 3:14-15

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