Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Thankful Heart at Christmas

Being a parent is hard. There are days when you wonder if your children even hear what you’re saying to them. There are days when all you can do is pray and hope for the best. But, then, there are those rare and beautiful days when you get a glimpse into the heart of your child and you realize that somewhere along the way, you must have been doing something right.

I had one of those moments this week. My youngest daughter had been working diligently on something for a good part of the evening, and when she handed it to me, I saw that it was her annual Christmas letter to Santa. This is what it said:

Dear Santa Claus,

I love you. You are great. I would like a password journal and the Mary Grace American girl doll, book, and accessories. You are my favorite person that gives presents.

I love what you do for everyone around the world. Thank you, Santa Claus!

In this consumer-driven world that we live in, it made my heart glad to see that she spent more time in this letter thanking and praising Santa than she did asking for more stuff.

Praying that the spirit of love and giving will fill our hearts and our homes during this Thanksgiving and Christmas season.

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