Thursday, March 10, 2011


“Where you go, we will follow… Where you go, we will follow…” I was happily singing those words at the top of my lungs right along with the David Crowder Band, when I distinctly heard the Holy Spirit whisper, “Really?” I stopped singing, and my response was, “Of course – I want to do Your will – I want to follow You.” I heard the voice again: “Really? Will you REALLY follow me? Wherever I lead? Without question?” I wasn’t so quick to answer this time, because if I’m honest with myself, I know that my first answer wasn’t entirely true. My intention – my desire – has always been to follow. But, I’m not so sure that I’ve lived up to that goal.

Over the course of my life, I’ve had lots of dreams and plans. And, I’ve prayed about those plans, and I’ve tried to hear God’s voice. But, so often, as I’ve started down a particular path, I’ve run ahead and then stopped only to say to God, “Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I’ve got this now.” And, I’ve taken off without even looking back.

I don’t think that I’ve veered too far away from God’s plan, but if I’m truthful, I’m not sure how quickly I would adjust my course if God suddenly told me that I needed to make a sharp right turn.

The thing is, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve started to really question the value of what I’m doing with my life. There was a point when I thought I had all the time in the world. But now, when I look at my life, I’m starting to think more about my legacy than what lies ahead of me. I’ve got a wonderful husband, beautiful children, and an all around great life. But, what impact have I had on my world? How many people have I influenced for the Kingdom of God? And, what am I really willing to sacrifice in order to follow wherever God leads?

Those are the questions that haunt me when I stop long enough to listen…

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way. I wonder if this question is just a natural part of growing older? I think the Lord already knew where I'd be based on the earlier decisions that I made with my life. Even tho I obviously didn't understand the depth of my choices! One day it dawned on me that He was quite onboard with where I was (it was me who wasn't happy with this fact!) and that He still loved me inspite of it. So I just started anew giving Him this day. Anyway, I felt that in some strange way He was pleased? AMAZING LOVE!
