Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Worship Wednesday

I have found that some of the best teaching - and learning - moments that I have with my children happen when we're driving around in our car. Most of the time, I have the radio tuned to KLOVE, and most of the time, at least one of us is singing along. This week, the song Starry Night by Chris August came on the radio, and I heard my 10-year old daughter asking her little sister: "Do you know what it means when he says 'plank-filled eye'?" My ears perked up because 1) I had never noticed that particular lyric although I've heard this song many times and 2) I wanted to hear her explanation. So, she proceeded to explain the scripture in Matthew where it admonishes us not to point out the speck in someone else's eye when we have a plank in our own eye. She further explained that this means that we shouldn't criticize someone for doing something bad when we've probably done something worse ourselves.

I was pretty impressed that she had heard the lyric, connected it with the scripture, and gave a sound explanation of what it meant - all on her own! It just goes to show you that you never know what your kids are actually picking up. What seems like background noise to us may be making a lasting impression on their hearts, so we need to be careful about what we allow them to see and hear. That is just one of the many reasons why I'm thankful that we have so much great Christian music available to us.

So, with that lengthy explanation, here is the song - Starry Night:

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