Saturday, July 17, 2010

Battle in My Mind

Yesterday started out to be a really crappy day… (Am I allowed to say that on here??) Before I even left the house, I read a scathing e-mail from someone at work. And, in my opinion, it was completely unjustified. I started feeling sorry for myself, and I even shed a couple of tears. But, once I got that out of my system, I pretty quickly realized that I had a choice to make. I could give in to all of those self-deprecating thoughts, or I could focus on the truth.

The truth reminds me that I know WHO I am and WHOSE I am. I’m the child of a King who loved me enough to sacrifice His own Son for me. That’s pretty awesome! The truth tells me that even though I work at one of the best companies in NC, my job is not my source. Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights (James 1:17). And, He has promised to supply all of my needs (Phil 4:19). And, the truth tells me that while other folks’ opinions of me are interesting, they are, in fact, irrelevant. There’s only one opinion that counts.

When I was a child and I would start to pout, my dad used to mockingly say to me “Nobody loves me – Everybody hates me – I’m going to eat some worms.” His point being that it’s pretty useless to sit around and mope. It’s not really going to do any good or make you feel any better.

There is often a battle going on in my mind between what I know is true and those crazy-making thoughts that try to drag me down. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says that we should take our thoughts captive and bring them into obedience to Christ. That’s easier said than done, but reminding yourself of the truth found in His word sure helps.

And, guess what? In spite of getting off to a rough start, yesterday turned out to be a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Getting our thinking straight is half the battle, I think. Good words.
